Welcome, you’re in the right place!

At White Cliff Church we have the privilege of worshipping the one true and living God in spirit and truth. The one God exists in three persons, Father, Son and Spirit, who working together, call men and women from their rebellion to freedom in Christ. This truth is revealed in God’s perfect written Word - the Bible. Christians are those who have turned from their sin and self and placed their faith in Jesus Christ as their only hope for salvation.

Each week, we learn more about God and how we, as the church, are to live as we work consecutively through books of the Bible together during the service. As divine instruction breathed out by God himself, I am convinced that the Bible should be explained and applied clearly and faithfully each week so that the church might be built up and guard against false teaching.

We desire a healthy, biblically fed church that faithfully lives out their faith by making disciples, studying the Bible, lovingly holding each other accountable, proclaiming the gospel in their community, and supporting mission work abroad.


  • Join us for our weekly service as we worship together, and learn how a passage from the Bible applies to our everyday life. We would love for you to join us!

  • The small group ministry of White Cliff Church exists to disciple church members in a friendly casual setting. Our small groups teach sound doctrine, help members grow in the spiritual disciplines, pray together, spur one another on to good works, and hold one another accountable.

    6 PM The Parsonage Small Group | Alan McElroy

    6 PM North Tongass Small Group | Alan MacDonald

  • Our women’s ministry seeks to equip women to live out their faith and fulfill their ministry. The ladies will also come together throughout the year for special events and monthly bible study.

  • The Filipino Fellowship meets every Thursday in the church fellowship hall at 6 pm. The group starts with a message from the Scriptures and is followed by a meal. The fellowship loves visitors and is open to anyone who would like to attend! Reach out to Amado Monticello for more information (907) 617-1302.

  • We have nursery services for Children ages 0-5 during Equipping Hour and the regular service. During Equipping Hour, we have Bible training for Children ages 6-12. All children ministry volunteers are certified by Ministry Safe (background checks and regular training). Children are also welcome to stay with their parents during the morning service.

  • Our men’s ministry seeks to equip men to live out their faith and fulfill their ministry. The men will also come together throughout the year for special events and monthly bible study.

If you have any questions about any of the ministries at our church, reach out to us. We would love to hear from you!

Come excited, and leave ignited about God’s word and all He is doing in Ketchikan and around the world.